Friday, September 24, 2010

The Importance of Car Motor Oil

Why is the car motor oil you use important?  What different types of motor oils are out there?  How do I choose?
Dipstick for measuring the level of motor oil ...Image via WikipediaFirst, it is important to understand how motor oil is made.  Motor oils are made up of two components-a basestock and an additive package.  The basestock makes up the majority of the oil and the additive chemicals are added to counteract the negative qualities of the oil and improve the positive characteristics.  There are two types of basestocks-petroleum and synthetic.  Petroleum basestocks are made from crude oil and have been used since motor oil was first developed.  Synthetic basestocks are a more recent invention.  They are made in a laboratory and are engineered solely for lubrication.  They do not have to be purified or refined and have none of the impurities present in petroleum basestocks.
The purification process used with petroleum basestocks improves high and low temperature performance.  Resistance to oxidation (which causes sludge) and viscosity index (the ability to maintain viscosity over a wide temperature range) are also improved by this process.  There is also a refining process with petroleum basestocks which helps remove impurities.  Some are even put through a refining process called "hydrocracking."  The resulting basestock is so pure it can legally be called synthetic.  This is the type of oil you will find at your local auto parts store being sold under the banner "synthetic", even if it is not truly a synthetic oil.
As you might imagine, actual synthetic oils offer much that petroleum-based ones do not.  Their purity means improved high and low temperature performance, improved oxidative and thermal stability, enhanced frictional characteristics and longer lubricant life.  All of these characteristics mean longer periods between oil changes.  Mileage and performance are improved as well.  All of this makes synthetic oils the right car motor oil for you.
The Motor Oil Guy
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