Friday, December 31, 2010

Motor Oil Purchasing Considerations

What do you think about when you buy motor oil? You know that changing your oil is important, and you probably stick to a recommended cycle for that task. However, there's more to getting the best oil for your car than simply changing the oil on a regular basis. A little thought needs to go into your oil purchases if you want to get the benefits you desire as a car owner.

Everyone Does it
Of course, changing the oil in your car is something that everyone does, and hopefully on a somewhat regular basis. You may not be a mechanic, but you have surely learned that your car needs to have oil to run, but not every oil is beneficial for every situation. Even your trusted mechanic probably doesn't understand the factors that play into making the most beneficial car oil decisions for your particular situation. Like everyone else, most mechanics have been taught to simply recommend regular oil changes and that is the extent of their knowledge.

Wouldn't you like to know the best oil for keeping your engine protected, especially if you plan to own the car for a long time? Or maybe you want to know which type of motor oil will be the most cost effective over the lifetime of your ownership, if you plan to trade your car in within a few years. These are both great considerations and the answer for each scenario is likely to be very different.

When you buy motor oil, get past the mentality of this being a 'generic' purchase and consider the varying factors that are involved. Taking an informed approach to motor oil purchase could go a long way in making your engine last longer, or in reducing maintenance costs.
Petroleum based motor oilImage via Wikipedia
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Is there one, best type of Motor Oil?

There are a lot of lessons to be learned from the world of competitive sports. Think about it; there are small, muscular gymnasts who perform amazing acrobatics and there are huge football players who need raw power and explosiveness. Of course, there are many other types of sports and athletes besides these two examples, but ponder, for a moment, the huge differences between the two mentioned here. Do you think that they eat the same kind of diets and train the same way?

Of course they don't. There can be no one diet, or training regiment that would cover these two types of athletes, let alone the hundreds of different types from various sports. So why is it, then, that people assume that the their car motor oil should be exactly the same as the oil used by a completely different type of car that is driven in a totally different manner on a daily basis.

The misinformation that exists about a car motor oil being the “best” is misleading and confusing to the average consumer. If you have an old pick up truck that you use to do a lot of work, and you need it to last another 7 years, do you really think you should be using the same motor oil that would be beneficial to a small car owner who plans on trading the car in after 2 years?

It should be pretty evident that there's more to a motor oil being considered the “best” than a commercial simply telling you so. It's very important to realize that there simply is not a blanket, “best” motor oil. Each has unique qualities that may or may not benefit a particular car, depending upon the car owner's usage and goMobil 1Image via Wikipediaals for that car.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Which Oil is the Best? The Answer Might Surprise You

If you're like most people, you probably have a favorite brand of motor oil that you use on a regular basis. You might be a regular user of one of the synthetic oils on the market, or maybe you stick to good, old fashioned petroleum based oil. Regardless of the type of oil that you use, have you ever stopped to think about why you came to use your favorite type of oil? Perhaps you've heard about how synthetic is better and decided you want nothing but the best for your car. Or, maybe you've heard that synthetic really won't give
your car any benefits, so you stick with petroleum based motor oils to save a few bucks.

To really find out the best oil for your car, there's a lot more to think about than “X is better than Y” or “Y costs less than X.” These are factors that you should consider, but maybe not in the way that you think. Yes, synthetic oil does provide many benefits to cars, but depending upon your goals and usage as a car owner, you may not benefit from paying for those benefits.

It's also true that you can save some money by choosing a cheaper brand of petroleum based oil. You may, however, only be saving money when you purchase the actual oil. Over time, depending upon your car and your goals as a car owner, you could be spending a lot more money over the long run, due to your choice in motor oils.

None of the automobile experts can tell you that one oil is best without knowing your unique needs as a car owner. For example, if you trade in your car every few years and purchase a new one, do you really need to purchase synthetic oil for your car, or are you wasting money by paying for engine protection benefits that will never make a difference to you? These are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself and ponder before you make any rash, sweeping decisions about the type of motor oil that's best for your car and your unique circumstances.
Range of Motor Oils on display in KuwaitImage via Wikipedia
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Are You Using the Right Oil in Your Car?

It's easy to look for a 'one-size-fits-all' solution for things in life, and expect to find one for every situation. After all, it's so much easier just to apply the common wisdom to the situation at hand without really putting in too much though, right? Well, there are times when the simple, conventional wisdom is sufficient, but not when it comes to motor oil. Yes, you will get better results when you take the time to learn a bit more about the different types of oil and the situations where a particular type of oil is the best choice.

Can't Trust the Commercials
It's unfortunate that most people end up making their decisions based upon something as non-informative as a television commercial. Of course, when you watch a commercial for a motor oil brand, they are going to try to persuade you that their product is the best. They are doing what they are supposed to do – promote their product. You have to realize, though, that an oil may very well be the best for certain types of cars, under specific conditions, but that doesn't mean it would be the best for you.

Critical Thinking About Oil Choices

Consider the vast array of automobiles on the roads each day. Then think about the wide variety of drivers and the differences in how, where and when they drive. Now, with all of that variety, do you think that each of these automobiles could be best served by the use of identical motor oils? Of course not. Like anything else in life, there are going to be oils that are best for each unique situation.

The type of oil you choose to use can, and will, affect how well your engine is protected and how muchUsing a funnel to refill the motor oil in an a...Image via Wikipedia money you spend on your car's maintenance for as long as you own it.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What do you Know about Motor Oil?

If you're like most people, you probably assume that there's not a lot to know about motor oil. You may even think that taking the time to learn a bit more about oil would be a waste of your time. What if you found out that having a bit more knowledge about the oil you put in your car could save you thousands of dollars every year? Would that make learning some oil facts more appealing?

Whether you're a car buff or not, you still want to get the best performance out of your car and maintain top engine performance for years to come. The motor oil you choose could potentially add years to the life of your car and keeps it running great too. You could even save money on regular maintenance costs, simply by learning the best oil to use for your car.

Regular Oil Changes - Are They Enough
We're all told to change our car's oil on a regular basis. This is good advice, but it should not be the be-all-end-all of your oil knowledge. You will only get the most out of changing your oil when you know the exact type of oil that is best for your car and your driving habits. Of course, if you don't know that information just yet, you should still get your oil changed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Synthetic or Petroleum?
When people think about the choices they have for oil, they often assume that synthetic oils are the better choice. While some cars will do best on synthetic oil, this should not be assumed as true for every situation. There is no cookie cutter formula for every car, some cars will thrive on synthetic oil, while others function best using petroleum based oils.

There are some valuable resources available to help you learn more about the oil you put in your car. The Motor Oil Bible is one such resource that is packed with amazing information about oil that most people have never heard or read about before. Taking the time to learn more about the oil you use could be one of the best decisions you make for your car.Petroleum based motor oilImage via Wikipedia
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Revews, Motor Oil and the Motor Oil Bible

In today’s time of economic challenge, consumers are turning to reviews more often.  We have determined that we want true value for our hard earned money.  Particularly with items that can make or break the longevity or usefulness of another product.  Take for instance, motor oil.  Motor oil reviews tend to be biased, at times; it appears that they are propaganda for an individual manufacturer.  Since motor oil is something that is intrinsic to the proper care and running of our cars, unbiased yet informative motor oil reviews are necessary.

Petroleum based motor oilImage via WikipediaMotor oils are not created equal.  Not all aid in helping our engines get us to where we want or need to go.  Some actually, if used repetitively, can actually do more harm than good.  So, what is a consumer to do when faced with a dizzying array of choices, limited knowledge of all the details as well as a demand for value.  The answer is to find an unbiased, knowledgeable resource for this information.  In the motor oil industry, one such expert is known as the Motor Oil Bible.

The business of reviews is either to praise or critique a particular product or service.  However, the Motor Oil Bible and its author, Mike Kaufman, reviews the significance of a particular type of motor oil and how it should be used to help the longevity of your automobile.  Not hung up on particular brands, or sponsored by deep pocket manufacturers, it specifically addresses the needs of your car and matches it with the proper oil.  

A book, and a series of videos are available for your enjoyment.  Get the info you need, make the proper decision and save your money, and extend the life of your car.

The Motor Oil Guy
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Motor Oil Secrets Revealed

What if you found out that there was information available that could potentially save you thousands of dollars every year? If you're like most people, you want to know what this secret is, so you can benefit from it. As you know, information is essential and having the right information about your car's oil could save you a lot of money on fuel costs, maintenance costs and repairs. The Motor Oil Bible is a manual that gives you surprising, much-needed information about choosing the best oil for your car.

Exposing Myths
It's important to know the myths and lies that most of us believe about oil to fully grasp how powerful the information in the Motor Oil Bible really is. For years, car owners have believed that as long as they put a name brand oil in their cars, there’s nothing more to be concerned about.  In this enlightening motor oil reference book, you'll discover how believing the "every oil is pretty much the same" myth could be costing you a ton of money every year.

This reference manual really is like a Bible of car ownership and oil knowledge. Reading this book will arm you with knowledge about motor oil that few people are ever made aware of. The book is available online and is an essential guide for every car owner. You don't even have to be a mechanic to appreciate this book. It is easily understood by anyone and is packed with amazing facts about oil that you'll never hear from your own mechanic.

Oil is the lifeblood of your car. Choosing the right one is essential. This book equips you with the knowledge you need to make the right motor oil choice and save thousands of dollars every year.

Motor OilImage by SamAdams914 via Flickr
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting the Best Performance from your Vehicle

When you bought your car, you obviously wanted to get the most out of it that you could. We often baby our rides in the beginning, but tend to slack a little over time. One area that nearly everyone can improve on is choosing the right oil for their car. To get to a level of peak performance, motor oil has to be one of your top considerations. In fact, few things contribute as much to your car’s performance as the oil that you choose. Many people go a little over the top, though, and end up spending too much money on synthetic oils, when that may not even be the best choice for their car.

All things considered...
Since there is so much depending upon your motor oil for top car performance and long engine life, it's obvious that you have to consider a few things to make the best choice for your car. To get your car to the highest level of performance, motor oil has to be considered carefully, and the right kind has to be used. Many lube shops and garages will lead you to believe that oil is a one-size-fits-all choice as long as you change it regularly. Don't fall for this.

The best place to start is with your manufacturer's documentation. You should easily be able to find a recommended viscosity for the oil you choose. Sticking with this as your starting point for oil is usually a safe bet. Of course, the way you drive, the make and model of your car and other factors will play into your ultimate, long-term oil solution, but you are safe to start with what the manufacturer recommends. From there, do some research to find the absolute best choice in oil for your car.

Range of Motor Oils on display in KuwaitImage via Wikipedia
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